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just going to rectify that little problem right now. Kyle kissed her again, and Lin readily parted her
lips for his tongue, adoring how it so lovingly explored not just her tongue, but the inside of her
cheeks, the back of her teeth and any other soft part he could find. In fact, it made her hot, made
her want to experience that beautiful explosion again.
When Kyle lifted his head, he smiled, his look very tender.  Ready?
Smiling back, Lin nodded.  I m ready for whatever you want to give me, she told him solemnly.
 That s my girl, he praised before lifting up on his elbows and adjusting himself until he was at her
entrance.  Here we go, beautiful. Keeping eye contact with him the whole time, Lin was afraid to
blink for fear that what she saw in his eyes would disappear. She felt his cock head enter, and then,
with a soft grunt, his face tightened, and he moved his hips forward, pushing more of himself into
 You re so damned tight it feels like wet silk wrapped around me.
When he finally was in to the hilt, Lin unconsciously tightened on him. This was completely
different from what she had experienced with Bai. It was so much better. When her memories
turned to the time he had given her to his friends, her mind shied away from it.
 You okay, sweetie? His callused brown hand stroked her face, and Lin realized she had drifted
away into memories that were best forgotten. She refocused on Kyle.
 Yes. Just bad memories.
 Listen, that s never going to happen again, okay? I promise. Even lodged inside her, and she knew
he had to be wanting to come, he still put her feelings first. A tear slipped down her cheek.
 How can you want me after what they did to me?
His hands cupped her face, and his serious black eyes stared down into hers.  Baby, what they did,
they did to your body. It was a violation, and it should never have happened. It in no way makes me
think less of you.
 It doesn t? Lin s tears made her voice squeak.
 Not even a little bit.
Something broke inside her, and she threw her arms around Kyle s neck.  I love you, Kyle. I love
you. She sobbed.
Kyle shifted to the side, still staying within her body as though he instinctively understood she
needed the connection.
 Shhh . . . sweetie, your tears are breaking my heart. I love you too. That bastard s never getting his
hands on you again, I promise. He surrounded her with his arms and legs, holding her tightly to his
much larger frame. The smooth chest beneath her cheek was wet with her tears as she cried out the
misery of the last six years.
When the storm within her finally subsided, she took a deep breath.  I m sorry. She hiccoughed.
His warm hands stroked her back, and he dropped a kiss to her head.  Nothing to be sorry for,
honey. You ve had a lot to deal with over the last few years.
 I couldn t cry. He would beat me if I cried, she whispered into his chest.
 God, baby. No wonder you just let go at the first good thing that happened to you. Kyle kissed
everywhere he could reach, and Lin lifted her face like a flower to the sun. She felt his lips sip up the
remnants of her tears before his lips covered hers in a tender but very erotic kiss.
When he lifted his head, he raised one eyebrow as if to ask if she was ready to resume their
lovemaking. Giving him a tearful smile, she nodded, and he gently rolled her onto her back. His hips
pulled back, and he shafted her carefully, his face tight with pleasure, fully aware of his size and
His pubic bone hit her clitoris with every gentle shove, and a tingle started up in her belly that
quickly became a conflagration in her deepest core. This time, she was prepared for the buildup. The
rush of hot fluid bathing her walls set off a second and third explosion deep inside. Then, the ripples
went deeper and farther, and it was long seconds before she finally came back down from the
pinnacle he d driven her to.
Lin lay there boneless next to Kyle, who lay with her side cuddled to his front since he d slipped off
to the left seconds before.  Am I still alive? she asked, keeping her eyes closed.
 I don t know. I m still taking stock to see if my own body is here.
 That was so good. I want to do it again and again.
 I think I can live with that.
 I m sleepy, she mumbled.
 Go to sleep, sweetheart. If you wake and I m not here, just call out. I won t be far.
 Mmmmmm . . . Snuggling in closer, Lin drifted off with Kyle s scent surrounding and protecting
Deep in a dreamless sleep an hour later, something shifted and flexed its claws in the darkness of her
mind. Lin stilled in the inky blackness. This is too much like my nightmares.
Suddenly, out of the darkness, huge claws grabbed her by the shoulders, digging in deeply, and Lin
felt blood pour down the front of her body as she screamed,  Kyle!
Chapter Eight
Kyle felt Lin stiffen just before he heard her scream his name from the realm of dreams, and he
jerked awake, immediately sitting up as terror ran through him.
She was limp beside him and barely breathing. As he went to try to shake her awake, huge bloody
claw marks bloomed on both shoulders, and blood poured forth like a fountain.
Slapping both hands to the gaping wounds on either side, he yelled,  Grandfather!
 I m here, Kyle. How he d gotten past the lock, Kyle wasn t sure, but he was glad he was there.
Lin jerked as other gouges appeared on her body, more blood spilling.
For once in his life, Kyle was at a complete loss of words, and fear unlike any he had ever known
took over his rational mind.
 Kyle! His grandfather snapped, actually snapped, at him.
He turned his wide eyes to his grandfather, fear turning to anger.  What do we do?
 I will heal her wounds. Prepare yourself to dream walk. You will need to take her from him.
He watched as his grandfather laid gentle hands on Lin s torn flesh. Singing a healing song softly just
beneath his breath, Kyle s grandfather glowed with strengthening power. For just a moment, Kyle s
vision changed, and he saw the glowing figures of ancestors long passed over the rainbow bridge, as
well as figures that appeared only as oblong-shaped orbs, signifying they were not human and never
had been. Most astonishing was a buck bathed in golden light with a huge rack, nudging Lin with his
black nose as though to say,  Wake up. Wake up now. We are here.
As fast as the wounds would heal, new ones would be ripped open, and this spurred Kyle into
lighting sage sitting in an abalone shell on his dresser. Breathing deeply of the acerbic smoke, he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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