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I know what s good and what s not. So quit doing this to yourself and let me enjoy being
with you.
He d have to figure out a way to break her of the habit of downplaying herself.
Didn t she have any idea how tempting she was? When he d eaten her out in the
shower he d had to use every bit of control to keep from climaxing and embarrassing
himself. God, she was so sweet and juicy and fresh as a newly picked peach. When he
carried her back to the bed he d taken all the roses from the vase on the night table and
scattered the petals over her, crushing their fragrance into her skin.
He reached for the baby powder he d had sense enough to buy today, carefully
soothed the newly shaved skin of her cunt, then finally, finally, pulled on a condom and
allowed himself to sink into her. But now that he was filling her tight, hot channel, now
that her muscles were clasping at him like a rigid fist, now that he could feel his pubic
hair rubbing against her naked mound, he had to force himself not to move. Now he
wanted to stay where he was, reveling in the sheer lust that consumed him.
Tonight had been a test. Not for Grace but for himself. To see if what he felt last
night was an aberration or if he still got harder than a railroad spike the minute he saw
her. If he wanted to sink into her body forever. Well, he d certainly found out and he
had no idea what the hell to do about it.
Rodeo Heat
In another week he d be gone. Grace certainly wasn t a woman to traipse after a
man on the circuit, nor did he want to put her out there for others to try for. Maybe if he
didn t feel so used up he could try to look past the end of this event but he d lived too
hard and too fast for someone like Grace. He was damn lucky to have this time with
someone like her at all.
Helping her discover her sexuality was an incredible turn-on. She was such a
curious mixture of shyness and eagerness, of wariness and curiosity. But each time he
got past one of her fences, she exploded like dynamite. The sight of her naked cunt was
one he d carry with him forever. If he could just hold onto her until the rodeo moved
on, coax her into trying more things, open herself up more to him, at least he d have
memories to wrap around himself when he hit the road. And hopefully, he d leave
Grace with some hot ones of her own.
He rolled his hips a tiny bit, feeling her inner muscles grip him harder and he bent
his head to capture one of her plump nipples in his mouth. He loved the taste and feel
of it, soft yet hard at the same time, the pebbled surface slightly rough against his
tongue. He pressed it against the roof of his mouth, rubbing it back and forth before
taking a long pull at it. The simple sensations sent pleasure spiking through him and he
dug deep to hang onto his control.
She was rocking her hips against him now, her cunt pulling at him. Even through
the thin latex of the condom he could feel the flexing of every muscle, the liquid heat
surrounding his cock. He couldn t remember the last time a woman turned him on this
much. After she d left this morning he d gone back to bed but instead of sleeping he d
let images of her travel through his mind. Along with visions of every erotic thing he
wanted to do to her.
Slow. He d have to take it slow. Get her to commit one day at a time. And already
he knew what he was planning for tomorrow night.
Her soft hands moved up to grip his shoulders and she wound her legs around his
waist, locking him against her.
 Now, Ben. Her voice was heavy with desire, her eyes clouded with it.  I want
you now.
Damn good thing too, because he couldn t hang onto it any longer. Streaks of
lightning shot up his spine, his balls tightened and with a roar he thrust one final time
and exploded inside her. She convulsed with him, shivering and shaking, chanting his
name, meeting him thrust for thrust. The harder he pushed, the more she pushed back,
digging her heels into the small of his back as if she d never allow them to be separated.
Wet flesh met wet flesh and ragged breaths cut the still air in the room.
Soon the shudders became shivers and the shivers became twitches and then their
bodies were still, glued together. His blood roared in his ears as his heart threatened to
pound out of his chest.
* * * * *
Desiree Holt
Each time Grace thought she d reached the absolute pinnacle of sensation, Ben
found a way to drive her higher. All her  safety locks , the things that had kept her
together for twenty years, seemed to be opening and letting loose a woman she didn t
even know. As she lay exhausted in his arms, she wondered how soon the balloon
would drop. When he would decide he d had enough of being a teacher and wanted a
woman more experienced. More& knowledgeable. More& something.
She felt his body shift and one hand lifted to brush the damp strands of hair from
her face.
 I think it s time for some rules, he told her, his voice still raspy.
 Rules? She frowned.  What kind of rules?
 The rodeo isn t over for another week, Grace. I want to see more of you while I m
here. He rubbed his neck.  I don t think either of us is looking for anything beyond
that, right?
He could tell from the startled look in her eyes she hadn t even thought of that.
 We can get to the how and when later, he went on,  but for however long we do
this, Rule Number One is you do not say one negative thing about yourself. You re such
a smart, beautiful, sexy woman. He brushed a kiss across her lips.  Say it, Gracie.
Repeat those words.
 Repeat them, he insisted.
She bit her lip, then forced out the words.  I am a smart, beautiful, sexy woman.
 See? He licked the column of her throat.  That wasn t so hard, was it?
 No. She couldn t help the sigh that escaped her.  At least, not too hard.
 Rule Two, he continued.  We are going to enjoy each other. Every way possible.
You have such untapped sexuality, Grace. It would be a shame not to explore it.
 E-Every way possible? Her voice was unsteady, her eyes searching his.
He nodded.  Whatever we both enjoy. But I want you to let me introduce you to
pleasures you haven t even dreamed of. I ve never wanted to do this with a woman
before. To teach you what you ve been missing.
 And if I say it s too much?
 Then we won t go there. But Rule Three is, you re going to at least give me a
She nibbled on her lower lip, swamped by conflicting feelings of erotic arousal and
fear of the unknown. She could hardly believe she d been so uninhibited with Ben these
past two nights. Okay, so he wasn t tired of being the instructor yet. But she wondered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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