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Elizabeth barely had time to let his words sink in before his mouth
found hers again. She met him eagerly. The man kissed like& well, she
didn t know like what. Maybe he stood in a class by himself. He was
brilliant. A master.
She needed to feel his skin against hers and reached between them
to pull up his shirt. But his gun holster posed a problem and she didn t
have any idea how to get it out of the way. Miguel stripped it off and
set it and his gun on the seat inside the Explorer. They both pushed and
pulled on his shirt, tearing their lips apart only long enough for him to
get it over his head and discard it.
Her fingers explored the sculpted planes of his chest, teased over
pebbled nipples in a light dusting of hair, then grazed his abdomen to
discover his six pack was everything she d thought it would be. A thin
line of coarse hair began just below his navel and disappeared into his
waistband. Wanting to follow it, she worked at his belt buckle, then
practically tore at the snap and zipper on his jeans.
Heat surged from his groin, radiating around her hands. She barely
noticed the elastic band of his briefs as she pushed past it. His cock was
hot, hard as sin, and jutting upright from a thick nest of dark pubic
curls. Using her right hand, which was less sore than her left, she
sheathed him in her palm. It was all she could do not to groan at the
feel of him.
He did groan, but it was swallowed by Elizabeth s mouth and a
convenient rumble of thunder that shook the barn.
Miguel lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her
wet folds settled against the fiery skin on his stomach, and the tip of his
cock caressed her ass. A quick shudder rocked through her not a
climax, but one of those mini-almost-climaxes that hinted of things to
come, yet only left her wanting more. She squirmed against him.
He took two steps and set her on the still-warm hood of the
Explorer. Pulling his mouth off hers, he spread her legs wide, lowered
his head between them, and buried his tongue in her pussy.
Oh, Jesus.
She grabbed his head, partly to encourage him not that he needed
it partly for support. Her back arched and it took every ounce of her
willpower not to moan hell, scream her pleasure.
That same magnificent technique he kissed with had its other uses.
And his tongue& good God, she could learn to worship that tongue and
the things it could do.
Pinpricks of sensation tingled through her legs, followed by that
euphoric moment of floating that preceded an orgasm. But instead of
letting her come, he seemed to sense how close she was, so he teased
her, drawing it out, leaving her hanging for what felt like an eternity.
Her whole body trembled& .hummed& then, finally, at long last, he
let her fly. She managed to keep quiet, God knows how, but her hips
surged off the hood of the car, clenching so tight and for so long she
had a bizarre moment of wondering if it was possible to die from
coming too hard.
Miguel had withdrawn his mouth when the climax took her, letting
her experience the full glory of her orgasm without the further
stimulation some men insisted on that only ended up frustrating her.
Elizabeth could have kissed him for reacting so perfectly.
And he only endeared himself to her even more when, after the last
shudder disappeared, then, and only then, did he return, his tongue
gentle but fast in exactly the right way, and enticed a second, even
more powerful explosion from her.
He straightened and lowered his mouth to hers in a deep, probing
kiss. She tasted herself on him, and even though she wouldn t have
dreamed she could still be horny, she was.
She locked her arms around his neck and slid forward on the hood.
 I want you. In me, she whispered, wrapping her legs around his waist
again and wiggling her hips so her wet slit brushed his abs.
He hissed in a breath at the contact, then pulled her head close and
rested his forehead against hers.  That s exactly where I want to be, but
we can t. No protection. The words were barely more than a hushed
groan, and she felt his frustration.
 Oh, God, she murmured, knowing he was right, but needing him
so much it hurt. Grunts and cries still echoed out of the main room, so
they were safe for a bit longer.  Okay& there are other things& 
She reached down and wrapped a hand around his throbbing length.
In a moment of inspiration, she rubbed her hand over her sopping
pussy, covering her fingers in her own juices, and smeared them over
Miguel s cock. It leapt at her touch, and she could feel the dark heat of
his gaze searing into her. She repeated the action several times until his
dick glistened in the gray light. Then, once more, she closed her hand
around him and began to stroke him.
His hands fell to his sides, his head tipped back, and an expression
of raw vulnerability slid over his sculpted face.
That sight, along with the feel of his turgid rod in her hand, was one
of the biggest aphrodisiacs she d ever experienced.
Up& down& she moved, letting her thumb slide over his smooth
cockhead between strokes. With her other hand she cupped his heavy
balls, rolling them gently. Miguel gave a soft moan, obviously
Elizabeth had never felt this empowered, this daring, or this openly
sensuous with a man before. Something about Miguel stirred things to
life inside her emotions, toe-curling, skin-tingling primal reactions.
And she d never felt more alive.
His erection pulsed in her hand, and by the tight lines forming on
his forehead in concentration, she knew he was getting close. One of
his hands closed over hers, slowing her down, guiding her hand in long
strokes from his tip to deep at the base of his dick.
He raised his head and the look he gave her, sexy and sultry as hell,
caused her to shudder in response. While he continued jacking himself,
with his other hand he pulled hers loose and placed it on her pussy.
Her breath caught and she stared at him.
 Touch yourself. His voice was a husky whisper.  I want to watch
you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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