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SITZ_AUT_VERST_ENT and 2011-01-
Driver seat memory options in cluster KOMBI SITZ_AUT_VERST_ENT_T X 08 woodpecka Enable driver seat memory options in cluster when retrofiting powered seats (3 parameters must be aktiv) + VO $459 added to CAS and FRM
Instrument Cluster Lighting Always On KOMBI M_TAG_SKALENBELEUCHTUNG X X X 08 {unknown} Setting this to aktiv will keep your instrument cluster backlight on all the time, regardless if your headlights are on or not.
Display cruise control set speed KOMBI TEMPOMAT_SETZ_ANZ_DAUER X Moonstone Change the value from wert_1 to wert_2 On vehicles that do not briefly indicate the speed the cruise control is set at, changing this value will enable the display.
Instrument Cluster Lighting Always On KOMBI M_TAG_SKALENBELEUCHTUNG Setting this to aktiv will keep your instrument cluster backlight on all the time, regardless if your headlights are on or not.
Fog Lights + High Beam LMA LH_UND_NSW_NICHT_GLEICHZ X X X 08 {unknown} Allows fog lights to stay on when the high beams are flashed. Change to nicht_aktiv
Change incoming call ring tone MULF2 RING_TONE X 08 minimega Change the incoming ring tone of MULF2. Change wert_01 to wert_02 to hear a ring tone like the standard "gong" but more quick. Note: MULF2 High Basis SVS prod. date 2009, installed on e91 2006.
Enable Phone Volume in AUX RAD2 AUX_RAD X 17 Arnyuk Set value from aux to aux_and_telmin to activate the Phone function (that's the change after adding SA640 into CAS and NFRM for retrofit BMW Station for Apple iPhone)
Enable Bluetooth & management from 2011-04- Enable Bluetooth management from RAD2 (and enable SMS if SMS_RAD2->aktiv). Change nicht_akitv to aktiv. Note: RAD2 prod date 2010, MULF2 High Basis SVS prod. date 2009, installed on e91
Professional Radio RAD2 BLUETHOOT_RAD2 X 08 minimega 2006.
Enable CDC management from 2011-04-
Professional Radio RAD2 CDC X 08 minimega Enable CDC management from RAD2. Set to aktiv to enable CDC management from Radio
Enable SMS management from 2011-04-
Professional Radio RAD2 SMS_RAD2 X 08 minimega Enable SMS management from RAD2. Change nicht_akitv to aktiv. Note: RAD2 prod date 2010, MULF2 High Basis SVS prod. date 2009, installed on e91 2006.
Enable USB management from 2011-04-
Professional Radio RAD2 USB_RAD2 X 08 minimega Enable USB management from RAD2. Set to aktiv to enable USB in MULF2; set to nicht_aktiv to disable USB and re-enable AUX-IN source
Rain Close from full open SHD (FZD) REGENSCHLIESSEN X X X X X 08 {unknown} Auto wipers have be on for this to work. Once it closes, you wont be able to re-open sunroof until car power down for about 10 minutes. spaz (CasperSYTFU Verified 07 E92)
Rain Close Sunroof from Tilt SHD (FZD) REGENSCHLIESSENTILT X X X X X 08 {unknown} (CasperSYTFU Verified 07 E92)
V.O. in FA 2011-01- I suggest you back up your FSW PSW Coded files before you begin because they will be restored to default. Then remove TPMS Fuse from fuse box located in rear of glove compartment. Code the CAS
TPMS Disable string $2VB X 08 rexsevn with FA_Write, then change job to SG_Codieren to code the DSC, Kombi, FRM, and CAPPL/CIC if applicable.
Function title Module Function value 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Added at Added by Description
This is for those installing OEM xenons without the self leveling feature. Add $522 to VO (telling the car your adding xenon headlights). Disable self leveling for xenon headlights by saying nicht_aktiv to line
AUTO_LWR_ENABLE (in FRM). To enable inner halogen light as high beam (in FRM):
VO in FA wert_01
string (see 2011-01-
Xenon retrofit notes) $522 X X X X X 08 {unknown} More details: http://www.e90post.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8982434&postcount=1666
Bulb Testing Warning FRM (NFRM) 08 {unknown} Cold testing bulbs in brake light - change setting to nicht_aktiv
Display and Gong when Key in ignition ZUENDSCHLUESSEL_WARNUNG 08 {unknown} beep & display when door opened to warn key left in Ignition
Enable the parked car ventilation option 2RAD STANDHEIZUNG X 13 Moonstone Enables the parked car ventilation option, just set to aktiv. Tested on non-idrive professional HU. Gives you 2 programmable timers to set when you would like the cabin fan to switch on.
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