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holiday cruise. I told them about Nick over an email. Not necessarily the way I wanted to tell my
parents that my boyfriend of six years has left, but I also didn t want them to find out through town
My dad is waiting for us on the porch when we pull into the driveway. Noah jumps out of the car
before I have it turned off and runs into his arms. If Noah wasn t nine I d say he s excited about
seeing his grandparents, but I have a feeling it s more about the second Christmas he s about to have.
I carry an armload of presents into the house. I love the smell of my parents' home, the fresh
baked bread, pies and cakes always coming out of my mother s oven gives their house a welcoming
and the all-over home feel.
 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I say as I enter. My parents are already sitting on the
couch listening to Noah rattle on about everything he received for Christmas and his new friend,
Each time he mentions Liam s name, my dad glares at me. I knew things would be a bit on edge,
but honestly it s my life and I made the best decision for me and my son. I should be respected and not
made to believe I ve done something wrong.
After we ve caught up, presents are handed out. Noah is buried under the mountain of gifts my
parents bought him.
 Can I start? he asks. My dad laughs and tells him to start ripping. I don t like Christmas this
way, it s too fast and you miss what s being opened. I keep my stack of presents, all sweaters, skirts
and scarves, the same as every year, on the floor and watch Noah.
 Oh, cool! A remote control car. My dad is going to love this.
My dad grunts and stalks out of the room. I get up and follow him into the kitchen. His hands grip
the edge of the counter as he mutters to himself.
 Dad, I say touching his shoulder. He stands and looks at me with sadness in his eyes.  I know
you re upset about Liam, but you can t let Noah see or hear you like that. He doesn t know anything
other than Liam being his dad. He s trying really hard to build a relationship with Noah and we need
to support it. I know you don t like it, but I need you to put on a game face for your grandson.
 He s going to hurt you, Josephine.
I shake my head.  He s not, dad.
 You don t 
 I do, I can feel it. Things are different. He didn t know about Noah. You should ve seen his face
when he found out. I knew right then that he would ve been here, daddy. I know it in my heart.
I pull my dad into my arms and hold him. He s been my rock for so long. I know he s afraid that
Liam is going to run for the hills, but I have to trust my heart with this one.
The rest of the afternoon goes well even though each time Noah mentions Liam, my dad fights a
grimace and plasters on some sort of smile. I can t imagine how he feels. He was there when I needed
him most, but I now need Liam.
Noah also needs Liam. He needs his dad and even though he had Nick, I can t deny the instant
bond Liam and Noah have. It was evident the first time I saw them together. Noah knew Liam was his
dad and treated him as such without calling him out. I know I m making the right decision.
I kiss Noah goodbye after we eat an early dinner. I promise to pick him up tomorrow afternoon
for our annual college football party at Katelyn s. My parents don t ask me what my plans are for
tonight, but as I m leaving my dad whispers for me to be careful.
Driving back to my house seems surreal. When I open the door, it s cold and uninviting. For the
first time I look at the walls and think they are drab and in need of a serious paint job even though I
just painted them in the spring. Everything feels as if it s lacking life. I know that if I want to be with
Liam, I need to show him. Words aren t going to be enough, not for him at least. He needs to feel it in
his heart that I m committed to him. He wants us to be a family and I want that too. I don t want to
spend any more nights away from him.
I ve been waiting since I was fifteen to have the opportunity to wake up in his arms day after day.
So what if we had a ten-year road block? The opportunity is here now and I need to take it.
I take a quick shower, careful not to get my hair wet so I can curl the ends. Tonight I ve opted for
a royal blue one-shoulder metallic dress. Katelyn and I found it at an after Christmas sale that was too
good to pass up. My hands shake as I apply my make-up. I mess up too many times to count and have
to start over. The last time I was this nervous was my first date with Liam. Of course any girl is a
bundle of nerves when they're going to their first major dance, but it was more for me then and it s the
same now.
I want everything to be perfect.
I wash my face and start over, climbing up onto the counter because I can barely stand without
having my knees shake. I slip in my ear buds and turn on some soothing music. With deep calming
breaths, I focus on making my eyes smoky.
It takes me longer than usual to fix my make-up and hair. I pin my hair to the side, away from the
shoulder that is going to be exposed. My tear-drop diamond earrings are in and I m ready for my [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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