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"And I believed you when you said there was nothing up your sleeve," she
"That's not my sleeve," he pointed out.
"Lie back," she suggested, placing both hands on his chest and easing him into
the pillows. Once he was reclining, it took her very little effort to pull off
his baggy trousers and his briefs.
"You have such a beautiful body," she murmured, kneeling beside him.
"Clean living. And what's your secret?"
"Good genes."
She ran her hand across his chest and brushed her fingertips over his flat
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male nipples, teasing them into rigid peaks the way he had teased hers. She
smiled at his deep sigh, enjoying his pleasure, wanting to ease the ache in
his head and the worry in his eyes. She knew he felt responsible for her, felt
he had failed to protect her. She wanted to make him understand just how much
of a man she knew he really was.
"Take off your bra," he murmured.
She lowered the straps over her shoulders, basking in the heat of his gaze.
She had never before enjoyed taking off an undergarment as much as she did
now, and she stalled, lingering over the moment, flushing with pleasure at the
impatient caress of his hand on her thigh.
"Are you a breast or a leg man?" she asked, pulling the lacy cups half an
lower. His gaze followed their descent.
"That depends. Are we talking about chicken, turkey, or women?"
She laughed. "1 was talking about this woman, actually."
His hand rose from her thigh to her waist. "I like every part of this woman."
"No preference? No favorite feature?" she fished, shrugging so that
her bra slipped even lower.
He swallowed. "Usually, it's your eyes."
"That's romantic," she said, pleased.
"But at this particular moment& "
"Don't toy with me," he chided. "I'm injured, you know."
"It doesn't seem to be affecting your vital functions." She placed her hand on
a strategic part of his anatomy and squeezed not too hard, just enough.
"I think my heartbeat's just doubled." His voice was tight.
His breathing grew harsh. She leaned over and kissed him, caressing his tongue
with her own, and stroked him rhythmically with her fingers. His arms came
around her, and his impatient hands unhooked her bra, then smoothed
up and down the length of her back. He murmured sweetly to her as he kissed
her face, her neck, her shoulders, her arms. She closed her eyes and reveled
in the husky incoherence of his voice, the loving touch of his knowing hands,
the heat of his kisses, and the restless rocking of his hips beneath her
questing hand.
She kissed his chest, brushing her open mouth across the smoothly
curving muscle of his breast, the turgid warmth of his nipple, the rapid rise
and fall of his belly, and the thin trickle of golden hair that led the way
from his navel to his loins.
"Ohhh," she sighed, adoring him. She rested her cheek where her hand had been
and kissed him intimately, inhaling his musky male scent.
He curled on his side and cradled her with his body, murmuring her
name, touching her back, her hair, her arms, pushing down her
panties so he could massage the smooth cheeks of her buttocks. Exploring
further, he found the damp heat nestled between her thighs, and Ally's skin
flushed with urgent desire.
She moved away from him long enough to sort through the pile of belongings he
had left on the nightstand after emptying his pockets. She handed
him one foil packet and started unwrapping the other herself.
"We only need one at a time," he whispered, pulling her closer. He
massaged between her legs, making the ache there better and worse at the same
"Well, I read that& " She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. "
"What?" His tongue was hot against her neck.
"That Dr. Ruth said that&
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"What?" he whispered, slipping on the first condom.
"That if you use two& Oh, yes, there
& Two condoms& Oh! Don't stop& You get& "
"Yes?" he asked silkily.
"Even more friction."
"Well, it's what I read." She pressed restlessly against him.
"Do you want to try it?" He grasped her buttocks and nestled intimately
between her thighs.
"Do you?"
"I want to try everything with you." He stroked his hands up the sides
of her torso. "But that's our last one until we get out of here. Maybe we
should save it."
Their eyes locked. They kissed again. "Good idea," she murmured, unwilling to
acknowledge the fears that his touch had temporarily banished.
"You feel good," he whispered. "So good."
She closed her eyes, drowning in the moment. "I want you."
"Now," he urged.
She straddled him, and with his hand supporting her hips, she lowered
herself, sighing with relief when she felt him sink deeply inside
her. "Ohhh.
," she urged, pushing down, covering his hands with hers. He arched his hips
toward her, pressing deep. Her head fell back, brown hair spilling
around her shoulders in rumpled waves as she moved experimentally.
He groaned and guided her hips with his hands, watching her move above him
like some love goddess from his most secret fantasies. They found
the rhythm they wanted, and then their hands joined, holding on
fiercely to each other as the whirlwind swept them away. They made it
last a long time, writhing together in the ultimate erotic dance, letting
their cries echo off the walls and ceiling, begging and praising each other
without reserve. Ally was slick with sweat, panting with exhaustion,
and trembling from her final, explosive climax when she finally collapsed
against his chest, burying her face in his neck and hugging him
tightly as he shuddered violently beneath her.
She lay limply atop him for some time, inhaling the scent of their union,
knowing it would never be this way with anyone else. Despite the situation,
she had never felt so happy in her life.
"Crazy," she murmured.
"Hmmm?" His hand stroked down her back.
"How do you feel?" She was worried about his head again.
"Great." His voice was rich with satisfaction. "You?"
"Mmmm. I feel like a Fourth of July sky."
"We used to say that back home."
"It's a good expression." He kissed her brow. "That's just how I feel." After
a brief pause, he added, "Only you make me feel that way, Ally."
"Oh, Chance." She rubbed her cheek against his chest. "You should get
some rest."
"I wish I knew the best thing for a person to do after a blow to the head."
"Sex worked pretty well," he teased. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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