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unconscious for a while.
Then I started dreaming. I dreamed I was having an OBE, but it was very obviously a
dream, and not a real OBE.
Imaginary Music
This exercise comes from a friend, JH. He used this exercise to leave his body:
First, get comfortable and relax as much as possible. Then choose a song you know very well. As vividly
as you can, pretend the song is playing. Try to focus your complete attention on the music you are
listening to in your imagination. Practice this until it seems as if the music is really playing. Again, try
for as much realism as possible.
JH says when you can imagine the music clearly, the music can easily turn into the vibrations, and you
can easily escape your body.
Some people are better at using their imaginations with sound rather than pictures. Try both and see
which works best for you.
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What Astral Programmers Do in Their Sleep
Many books on out-of-body experiences, especially those of occult origin, say that we subconsciously
leave our bodies and do "astral work" during sleep. The trouble is, they usually don't say what astral
work is, except maybe helping people with their "final transition," Death.
My first OBE, with the split-consciousness, showed me that parts of the psyche can be very active during
sleep. But I never considered myself an astral social worker by night. That is, until the morning of
Tuesday, September 1, 1981, when I had my 46th OBE.
Sometime after midnight, I unexpectedly woke up out of my body. When I awoke, I was standing next to
my bed, in the middle of my bedroom. I was a bit surprised, but before I could gather my wits about me,
I was "put under" by my subconscious. It felt as if I were knocked out by a professional anesthesiologist.
A while later, I woke up out of my body a second time. Again, I was standing in the middle of my
bedroom. This experience was also cut short when I was "put under" by my subconscious.
It seemed an hour or so passed. Then, just like my first OBE, I slowly started to become more conscious
and I was aware of having multiple consciousness. My awareness increased until I was fully conscious,
but this time my conscious self was an observer. I was allowed to watch with astral vision, but I wasn't in
control. Another part of me was running the show, doing some very serious work, and knew all the tools
of the trade. What I saw was astounding.
I was gliding slowly up from below, until I saw what looked like a human brain. I could sense the body it
belonged to. Somehow, I knew it was my own body. The brain looked like about one hundred small
spheres of light, grouped in the shape of a human brain. Each sphere had a different brightness. I noticed
that four particular spheres were shining brighter than the rest, and I knew they had been cut off from the
other spheres. Using my mind tools, I worked for about 10 minutes adjusting neural pathways,
"rewiring," and manipulating energy. Then I recharged the four spheres with energy. Next, I programmed
the brain so that it would use different neurological connections and make automatic adjustments! I was a
psychic healer in my sleep!
Satisfied with my work, I left. I approached a second brain and followed the same process. I rewired,
transferred energy, then programmed the brain to aid in the healing process. After I was finished with the
second brain, I worked on a third and then a fourth.
The fifth brain was a much more difficult case. As I approached the brain, I could tell that it belonged to
a forty- year-old woman with dark hair. Like the others, she had some physical problem and I sensed
many damaged parts of her body.
I went through the same sort of procedure. I looked at the brain and saw many messed up spheres. I
sensed that she had stopped using certain parts of her brain until she had lost the use of these spheres. I
pulled myself very close to those spheres as if I were looking through a magnifying glass, and began to
work. I worked for about an hour on her, "rewiring" and opening pathways. I transferred a lot of energy
to her. My energy spread throughout her body, healing as much damage as possible. Then I spent a long
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time programming her brain to heal her body. As I left, her body and brain were both busy with the
healing process.
As I approached a sixth brain, the observing part of my psyche began to gain more control. As this
happened, I was poured like a liquid into my body. As I came to, I was in complete awe. I looked at my
clock and saw it was 2:00am. I went over the experience several times in my mind so I would not forget.
Then I drifted off toward sleep.
At once, I saw another brain. Then my subconscious realized that "I" was consciously tagging along
again. It quickly went back to my body and I woke up again. I dozed off again and this time I was out
cold. My subconscious didn't take me along this time. The next memory I have is of dreaming sometime
later in the night. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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