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 How do we know this isn t a setup?
 Because I told you it s good, Diskant snapped in response. Trey knew Diskant wouldn t reveal
his source, needing to protect Ava.  We still have two Shepherds on lockdown. Both of them have
been worked over. They re not lying at this point.
 Do you have to kill the second? Gary Freemond, the Omega in Florida, inquired.  He might
have information we need. It s best to keep him alive.
 They destroyed a solid portion of my pack. Diskant wasn t playing games. Trey knew if the
werewolves on the other end of the line could see the strain on the Omega s face they d play hide and
go fuck themselves.  We ll keep the leader alive. The other one is only a follower. He doesn t know
shit and he will be given to the pack in a hunt. They ve waited long enough for the blood they
 How long? Chuck asked.  When is the hunt?
 This weekend. Diskant seemed to relax, resting back in his chair.  I ve put out the word.
Everyone s ready. You re welcome to join us if you d like.
 It s best we stay where we are, Gary said.  We need to snoop around, see what we find. If the
information you ve provided is sound we can make a move from there.
 Sounds good to me. Diskant rocked back and forth, wrapping his hands behind his neck. The
morning had been long and tedious. The man was nearing the end of his rope.  I suggest we check in
on Sunday. That ll give everyone time to check things out and I ll be free for the day. We can decide
what to do next after we talk. Sighing and lowering his arms, Diskant kept going.  If anything
happens between now and then you know how to reach me. Trey s also on call if you need him.
We ve got our city covered.
 I ve heard rumors about that. Chuck sounded off, as though he was anxious to broach a topic.  A
few of the packs around New York are saying he s finally found his mate. Is that true?
 It s true, Trey spoke up, standing tall. He was proud as hell of Sadie and wouldn t deny it to
anyone.  I ve claimed her and the pack has accepted her as their Lupa.
 So she s one of us? Chuck asked cautiously.  Rumor has it she s human.
Talk about relief. For a second he d thought Chuck would say vampire.
 She s a firecracker, that s what she is, he responded and was rewarded with chuckles through
the line.  She s spent years training in self-defense. No one wants to piss her off. She had challengers
step up when I announced her position. She took them down without a problem.
 Impressive, Gary chuckled.  Can t wait to meet her.
Don t be so sure about that.  After this shit is over, maybe you can.
 So we call in on Sunday, Diskant said.  How does twelve o clock sound to all of you? I know
it s early but with the time differences it only seems fair. A few grumbled but no one argued.  Good,
then it s settled. If you need me in the meantime give me a call. As you know my mate s expecting our
first child so don t panic if I m not here. The packs are important but she s my priority first and
One by one the Alphas said goodbye. When the call was finished Diskant pushed the button to kill
it. He rested his elbows on his desk, lowering his head. Trey had known Diskant since he was a pup
and he d never seen him like this.
 Rough night?
 I m just ready to end this, Diskant muttered.  Ava s acting like she feels fine but I can tell she s
not. She s so tired I couldn t wake her up this morning. That s why she s sleeping in.
 It s normal. Even though Ava had mated to Diskant and therefore had a portion of his beasts
inside her, she remained human.  Let her sleep while she can. When the baby comes you ll be
begging for sleep.
 That s what Doc keeps telling me. Diskant reclined again, his eyes meeting Trey s.  I know this
isn t a problem at the moment but eventually the packs will find out you ve mated with a vampire.
We ll have to discuss that issue before it happens.
 I know. He d known it for a long time. With things burning to cinder around them, he d tried not
to think about it.  Let s take care of what we need to and worry about that in a few weeks. Worst-case
scenario? I can leave with Sadie. We don t have to stay here.
 Ava said Sadie defended her against Aldon again. She said your mate put herself between that
fucker and herself. Diskant cocked his head to the side.  I actually feel safer with Sadie around. It s
going to suck when she leaves. She balances you out, takes care of that smartass of yours. Plus she s
handy with that sword she keeps nearby. She does more good for the pack than bad.
You think that now. Wait until the other packs raise a ruckus.  I m glad you can see that. My girl
would die before she let anyone harm a member of this pack. Once she gives you her word, it s gold.
 Have you talked to Cade? Diskant swiped his fingers across his face.  Have you heard
 Not yet. Trey had checked his phone all morning. No calls. No texts.  I haven t heard from
Leigh either. I checked Sadie s phone too. He d done as he d said he would, keeping his mate up all
night. Considering how tired he felt, he imagined she needed a break. He d left her sleeping in their
bed.  There s nothing from either of them. I ll try to call Cade again in a few hours.
 You know what ll happen if the wrong kind of people get their hands on the conjurer, Diskant
growled.  Neither of us will be able to protect our mates or our people.
 You should have told me about her. Knowing Diskant had kept the information from him was
definitely a sore spot.  You shouldn t have kept it secret.
 Craig Newlander said it was important it remain hush-hush. The way Diskant said the name
showed his disdain. The leader of the Villati humans who collected information about supernatural
creatures and cataloged their findings was a constant threat to the pack and everything that wasn t
mortal.  I wanted to tell you but I didn t think I d have to. He said the enclave was safe.
 Obviously he was wrong. Trey inhaled, trying to steady himself. This was one thing he had
but didn t necessarily want to talk or think about.  I haven t gotten word about Nathan. Sadie told
me Leigh would keep in touch but so far there s nothing. His mind made him think the worst,
conjuring all kinds of despicable images.  He was already on the edge. Time with them will only
make him worse. I know he can control his wolf better than most, being a Beta, but we might have to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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