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sensitive area directly under the crown.  Oh. Yes!
Tyson s cum covered Caleb s hands as his body quaked with the intensity of his release.
He felt Caleb s body hump against his thigh until his lover s jerking movements signaled
the man s climax.
Feeling completely boneless, Tyson lowered them both to the floor. The cool wood felt
wonderful against his heated skin.  Wow. Where did that come from?
Caleb nuzzled against Tyson s chest.  Don t know, don t care, but I ll be ready to do it
again in about an hour.
Tyson chuckled. Since making love the two of them couldn t seem to get enough of
Carol Lynne
each other. It was all good as far as Tyson was concerned. Caleb was an absolute dream
lover in or out of bed.
 Yeah? He placed a kiss on the top of Caleb s shaggy blond hair.
 What do you think Jeff wants?
Tyson tensed. He had a very good idea of what Caleb s long-time partner wanted.  I
think he wants you back.
Caleb shook his head.  I won t go back. Ever.
 I hope not, but unfortunately, you re the only one who can make that decision.
Caleb sat back and stared up at Tyson.  I won t go back. I love you.
Tyson nodded.  Maybe Jeff needs to know that. As much as I hate the asshole, it might
help him move on. The quicker he does that, the easier it ll be on you.
Caleb resumed his earlier position against Tyson s chest.  I can t believe a stupid
envelope could make me freak out like that. It s so embarrassing. I can t imagine what
Ray and Deacon must think of me.
 Don t worry about what anyone thinks. The important thing is we got through it this
time, and we ll get through it the next time.
 I still don t feel like going back to the gallery tonight, Caleb admitted.
 Okay. You know you re welcome here every night if that s what you want. I ve
already taken tomorrow off for your big opening. We ll get up, eat a big breakfast and
head to town.
Tyson heard Caleb s stomach growl at the mention of food. The clock on the wall said
it was only four, two hours before supper would be served.  Feel like going next door
with me and raiding the cookie jar?
Caleb nodded.  I was wondering about that. Should I pay Ray something for feeding
me while I m here?
 You can offer, but I know he ll tell you no. We re a family here. We take care of each
other. Tyson lifted Caleb s chin.  You re part of that family.
Moisture filled Caleb s eyes.  I like that.
 It s the Montana way.
Caleb shook his head.  No. It s the cowboy way.
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Neil headed straight for Tyson and Caleb after going through the food line. Tyson
could see the questions in his friend s eyes.
 Everything okay? Neil asked.
Caleb nodded.  Yeah. Sorry to alarm everyone.
Through the Montana Mist
Tyson glanced at Neil, broadcasting silently that he d speak with him about it later.
Neil gave a slight nod and dug into his dinner.
 Oh, I need you to help me with a special project when you get a chance.
Tyson set his glass of tea down.  Sure. What kind of special project?
 Well, as you know, we ve got the group of Dads and their kids coming in July. Ray
told me several of the children have special needs. I thought I d play around with a couple
of the old saddles and see if I can figure out how to rig up a harness of sorts.
Tyson smiled. Although a loner by nature, Neil s heart was big. A person simply had
to see the way the man treated his dog Georgia to see the love and compassion inside of
him.  I ll definitely help with that.
 Thanks. I may not be able to make enough for everyone to ride at the same time, but
I figure if I can get Griggs to help, too, we can take out smaller groups during the day so
everyone gets a chance at feeling the freedom riding a horse allows.
 I d love to help, but unfortunately my riding experience consists of about an hour on
the back of a horse. Caleb chuckled.  Maybe I can do something else though.
Ray and Deacon sat down with their plates.
 How many families do we have signed up for the July week? Tyson asked.
Ray seemed to think about it for several moments.  Seven, I believe. Why?
Tyson put his hand on Caleb s thigh.  How long does it take to do one of your pencil
 Depends on what it is, but if you re talking about portraits, usually a couple of hours.
An hour of them sitting for me and another hour of detail work.
 Maybe you could offer the families a cut-rate price for a drawing? Tyson knew he d
love to have a sketch done of him and Caleb for his wall, surely other people would want
 I can do better than that. If you ll give me a break on the price, we ll include the
drawing in with the vacation package, Ray informed Caleb.
Caleb looked down at his plate.  You continue to feed me when I m here and I ll do
that group for nothing.
Ray nodded.  You ve got yourself a deal. You can eat here as often as you like.
Tyson wasn t sure who was getting the better bargain. Caleb s skills didn t come cheap,
but then again, he planned to have Caleb at the ranch as often as possible.
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