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Magician on the Astral Plane in glowing figures of fire, so that through the
streaming lines of light and power, representative of the spiritual being, no
lesser entity of any kind dare make its way. It is necessary that the
Magician make certain that he does not lower the elemental weapon after
formulating a Pentagram in mid-air. The Circle must be complete,
continuing in an unbroken line from Pentagram to Pentagram.
The blazing five-pointed star is like the flaming sword which debarred Adam
from the Edenic paradise. The four Archangels, the spiritual regents of the
four elements, are then invoked to give legitimacy to the working, and
spiritual power and protection to both the surrounding Pentagrams and the
Circle wherein the Magician is enclosed. The last phrase of the ritual
declares the Pentagrams aflame about him, and invokes once again the
Holy Guardian Angel so that the operation is sealed with the stamp of the
divine light. (See Figure 87, in Regardies TOL.)
One of the highly significant and important results of this ritual, if rightly
performed in the manner indicated, is the cleansing of the entire
sphere/Aura of personality. Only a little practice will demonstrate to us as to
whether we are succeeding in obtaining the required effect. There should be
a clear sense, unmistakable in its manifestation, as of cleanliness, even of
holiness and sanctity, as though the whole being were gently but thoroughly
purged, and that every impure and unclean element had been dispersed
and annihilated. Just as a plunge into a cool running stream on a hot
midsummer day leaves one blessed with the sense of refreshment and
purification, so also should be this ritual.
The rationale of its action depends on the purification of the constituents of
the nature of the Magician. Every molecule, every cell astral, mental and
physical is concerned, inasmuch as the basis of each principle is grounded
in centers of energy and spiritual force. These microscopic points or
monads, are the minute sensitive points of spiritual consciousness, and in
the reality of their existence and function is based not only the deepest
sense of individuality but the basis of matter itself, and its concomitants of
energy and physical life. These monads are at the root of the cell as of a
mineral, brain matter as well as of vegetable life. The result of the
formulation of the Circle of Fire and the flaming Pentagrams, the vibration
of the God-names and the Invocation of both the Angels of the Cardinal
Points and the Holy Guardian Angel, is that gradually the coarser cells or
monadic atoms are ejected from the sphere of consciousness. To take their
place other lives, more sensitive and refined, of a finer grade of spiritual
substance, are attracted to the sphere of being, and infused into the very
substance of the physical and invisible constitution. Thus a vital purification
takes place, enabling the influence of the Holy Guardian Angel to penetrate
the refined brain and mind to diffuse through out the personality its
presence and grace, an important preliminary to magical progress.
A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com
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